The Predictable Case of a Hopeless Housekeeper

I should have done it before. At the very least, I should have mentioned it. Unfortunately, housekeeping is not my strongest point.

I'm moving the base to it's own .com. I had hoped to do the transition without stopping writing here but it seems I don't have enough super powers to do both things together.

I'm also in the process of sorting out my 2 week trip to India next month. Aside from the fact that it takes me four tries and one week to pack everything, I want to move to the new .com before I leave, set up a blog-content calender for the entire month, then write that content, put a call out for guests posts on both my blogs (I haven't told you about my other blog have I? I will soon, I promise.) and figure out work details.

Now the kicker is that getting a visa to India is difficult considering which country I'm from and since the political relations are tense between the two countries (to put it mildly), there's going to be a lot of wheedling, talking to the right people and general waiting around to be done. Sometimes I wonder if anything in South Asia gets done without "talking to the right people". It also means that there's a chance I may not be going at all if I don't get the visa.

This will be my first trip to India so I'm super excited and can't wait to get there! Of course the drawback is that I won't have an Internet connection. At least not a reliable one through which I could reply to comments and emails. I was looking into buying a local cell phone connection there to check email through GPRS. For two weeks only though, it doesn't seem feasible especially since I probably won't be going back for a number of years. I'll also be busy attending two weddings, taking care of the long 'from India' wish list my sisters have emailed me - not to mention my own(!) and sight seeing, so I doubt if I'll want to. Plus, I'm not taking my laptop with me.

A two week cut off from the internet and work- eek! But oh-my-god, India!
(You see my dilemma?)

I'll be back on April 1st with the happy news that the new place is set up. Till then, I really really hope you'll stick around.

I will of course be keeping an eye here, so don't hesitate to contact me or leave a comment!

Photo Credit: Image Source

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Cookie Monster said...
March 28, 2009 at 10:04 AM  

Have a trip - i'm sure you will enjoy it, and trust me - you probably will not have enough hours in the day to check your emails let alone comment back! :)

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